Personal Empowerment and Coaching
You may have arrived here if you…
- You believe your spiritual disconnection is due your weakness in faith or beliefs (Eman) and feel not cut out as a Muslim or not achieving your purpose in this Dunya.
- You don’t feel like you can show what’s really going on to Muslims in your community since you’re expected to be a role model Muslim.
- You find it difficult to muster up the energy to do your Muslim duties such as prayer, fasting, Zakat, Hajj and Sunnah acts.
- You may have already pushed through several layers of spiritual disconnection to the point that you can no longer function in your usual capacity – whether in your personal and professional life.
- You’re ready to leave it all, given up but you don’t want to lose out on obtaining the best in Dunya and Akhirah.
However, you arrived here, I’m so glad you’re here. Read on to see if my Personal Empowerment and Coaching services might help you.
You may find it difficult to feel a sense of purpose and fulfilment in many aspects of your life.
You may have become disconnected from yourself for the sake of keeping up with your career, family, friends, making it hard to fully embrace both the ups and downs of life.
I’ve heard Muslims describe this experience as feeling a bit robotic or ‘spiritually dead’ you’re doing all the tasks you’re supposed to be doing, but you’re not mentally or emotionally present to what you’re doing.
You may feel distressed knowing that your Muslim role is one that you’ve felt called into by Allah SWT and perceive spiritual disconnection as a sign that you’ve failed at your purpose. This can sometimes lead to a downward spiral into depression, anxiety, and loss of self.

If this is, you: you need a space where you can fully step away from your life’s responsibilities and what others expect from you to take a heartfelt look at what caused this and how to recover from it.
I do not have all the answers, but we will work together to identify possible solutions which fit into your personal circumstances. I will of course listen but will also work to support and try to gently guide, empower and coach you through possible solutions which will be jointly identified. We all need a little encouragement to get things moving, and I will do my best to be there for you when things are not going so well, as well as celebrating the successes.
I welcome spiritual disconnection as an opportunity to reconnect.
Often, spiritual disconnection is a signal that a part of us is longing for a significant change. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not cut out being a Muslim or that you should quit and give up.
As your spiritual teacher, your spiritual guide, your spiritual mentor, your spiritual coach, you will learn how to purify your soul and make it shine and sparkle, in your wonderful endeavour to become closer to Allah SWT.
I also help you to set and achieve personal, academic, spiritual, professional, and wellness goals to become empowered with your Muslim identity and principles to make a positive impact on your community, environment, and relationships.
I will guide you on practical Islamic-based tools to help you to make space to recover from spiritual disconnection rather than push through it, so you can be empowered to return to your life tasks with a sense of purpose while feeling energised Insha’Allah.
Services include:
- Developmental counselling: youth, adulthood, aging.
- Faith and Spiritual counselling: Spiritual Mentoring: nourishing and purification of the Nafs and faith deconstruction (i.e., losing faith).
A note on Personal Empowerment and Coaching
Muslims in the West grow up in a society that does not value or cater services to their needs in accordance with their beliefs and values as a Muslim. As such, it is paramount to have appropriate support and empowerment to personal growth to excel in your life in accordance with Islamic principles.
Not only have I walked with many Muslims through their lack of spiritual fulfilment and disconnection recovery experience, but I also experienced this with my own trials and tribulations with cancer, chronic illness, toxic and narcissistic relationships with family, friends and workplaces.
By infusing my clinical training and my own experiences, I’m able to see your experiences more fully while guiding you through the journey to recovery.
Important Disclaimer
The coaching support offered is by no means a replacement for advice from a doctor, therapist, or Sheik, Imam. It is not intended to assist those dealing with behavioural and personality disorders, or who are experiencing trauma. My commitment is to provide empathetic coaching based on Islamic psychology and the fitra (innate nature) of human behaviour.